Kev Lag Luam Xov Xwm
Taw qhia rau 7-nti kov LCD Screen
Lub 7-nti kov screen yog kev sib tham sib interface sib txuas ntxiv hauv cov ntsiav tshuaj computers, cov tshuab tsheb thiab lwm thaj teb. Nws tau txais tos los ntawm kev ua lag luam rau nws cov kev ua haujlwm ua haujlwm thiab qhov tseem ceeb. Tam sim no, tus 7-nti kov tshuaj ntsuam thev naus laus zis yog ib qho paub tab heev ...Nyeem ntxiv -
Vaj huam sib luag cov lus pib pib hloov pauv, kev siv peev xwm yuav tsum tau hloov kho kom tau qis dua
Nyeem ntxiv -
Thawj pawg ntau lawm cov khoom siv rau hydrofluoric acid tu hauv Suav teb tau ntse hloov mus rau hauv lub tsev loj
On April 16, as the crane slowly rose, the first domestic hydrofluoric acid cleaning (HF Cleaner) equipment independently developed and produced by Suzhou Jingzhou Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. was hoisted to the docking platform at the client's end and then pushed into. ..Nyeem ntxiv - Display E-paper product (total reflection) product is a new type of TFT display with similar effect to OLED display. The following is a comparison chart with other displays. , Kom zoo dua 1, hnub ci nyeem tau thiab ultra-tsawg zog celectum ...Nyeem ntxiv
- On May 18, Nikkei Asia reported that after more than a month of lockdown, China's leading smartphone manufacturers have told suppliers that orders will be reduced by about 20% compared with previous plans in the next few quarters. Cov neeg tau paub txog qhov teeb meem hais tias Xia ...Nyeem ntxiv
Tuam Tshoj tus tuam txhab vaj laj vaj laj kab nyob LCD sib txuas txuas ntxiv mus nthuav dav thiab pheej yig tus nqi, thiab lwm cov tuam txhab fim sib tsoo lossis rho tawm
With The investment and construction of China in the construction of the display industry chain in recent years, China has become one of the world's largest panel producers, especially in the LCD panel industry, China is the leader. Hais txog cov nyiaj tau los, Tuam Tshoj lub Panels AC ...Nyeem ntxiv - Google Recently, Google released an immersive map, which will bring a new experience to you who have been banned due to the epidemic~ The new map mode announced at Google's I/O conference this year will completely subvert our experience. "Immersiv ...Nyeem ntxiv